According to Fortune on CNNMoney, the fastest growing jobs in America over the next decade are nurses, network systems analyst, data analysts, software engineers, biomedical engineers, accountants, auditors and veterinarians. Of course this is a general observation and not particular to any one region. Taking that into account, let’s check to see what the top six employers in the Philadelphia area might need.
Career Info net lists the top six employers as:
Philadelphia International Airport: For job openings, check out http://www.phl.org/employment.html. For non-airline specific jobs, the site splits it into three segments: City of Philadelphia, Division of Aviation; Philadelphia Marketplace and Transportation Security Administration. The Division of Aviation only showed one position but the Philadelphia Marketplace currently has openings at many of the stores as well as the Marketplace itself. In addition, don’t forget to check out the TSA site for job openings in the Philly area.
United States Post Office: http://www.usps.com/employment/welcome.htm. Check out the site to see what is available. Remember, if you are prior military you will receive extra points!
ACE International: http://www.acelimited.com/AceLimitedRoot/Careers+at+ACE/. According to the site, openings are available for accounting, finance, underwriters, analysts, managers, VP, Executive Assistants and Data Modelers
ACE International: http://www.acelimited.com/AceLimitedRoot/Careers+at+ACE/. According to the site, openings are available for accounting, finance, underwriters, analysts, managers, VP, Executive Assistants and Data Modelers
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: http://www.chop.edu/careers/index.html. According to the site there are currently 202 open positions covering Healthcare, IT and finance.
University of Pennsylvania Health System: Within the system there are major facilities which include Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Hospital, Penn Presbyterian Medican Center, Penn Medicine at Rittenhouse, Penn Medicine at Radnor and Penn Medicine at Cherry Hill. Depending upon your location and your career avenue, check out one of the major facilities for current job openings.
CIGNA Group Insurance: Check out the site – many jobs posted from Finance to IT to Legal.
These are just the current top six companies in the Philly area. It was quite exciting to see that many of the top employers had open positions. Maybe this truly is a sign that we are moving out of the recession!
If you are seeking a new job, check out these sites AND visit PhillyJobs.com to find a job in Philly. If you know of other companies in your local area who are hiring, please let me know in the comments section and I will be happy to post them for the benefit of other job seekers.
By: Nancy Anderson, Staff Writer
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