If you can’t seem to start your day without coffee you’re not alone. Caffeine is used by 90% of Americans on a daily basis and 80% of the world wide population. Not surprisingly with such a large amount of people consistently consuming cups of Joe a dependency develops from many of those daily routines despite the associated health risks and side effects.
Withdrawal is one of the sure signs it’s actually addiction. The most common side effect for caffeine addicts who are cutting back is an intense headache. Because caffeine narrows the blood vessels in the head, abstaining from it increases the blood pressure and the throbbing starts. Other side effects frequently reported are fatigue and crankiness.
For most people the incentive to quit isn’t worth giving up the boost that comes with the buzz. However dependence on anything even caffeine is destructive in the long term. If you’re ready to start weaning yourself from addiction doses down to an intermittent indulgence you don’t have to feel like it’s impossible.
On the road to recovery the most important thing you can do is keep your whistle wet. By staying hydrated you can clean your system and curb your cravings. Water will flush the toxins out of your body and once they’re gone the perceived need for coffee won’t be as intense. Be prepared with headache medicine especially the first 2 days after you quit.
Get a natural high with exercise if you’re feeling sluggish. The best way to boost your energy is to get your body moving which will increase endorphins. By taking 20 minutes to increase the blood flow in your brain with jumping jacks or a jog you’ll find yourself more refreshed and ready for the day than when you were counting on coffee to get you through.
Don’t try to do it alone. Consuming coffee can be a social experience, don’t try to quit alone. Have someone to encourage you when you’re at your crankiest. Find a substitute spot to meet with friends and discuss the day, maybe a walk in the park instead of a coffee shop.
There is no shame in gradually stepping down by substituting smaller amounts of caffeine for larger ones. One of the most common recommendations for quitting coffee is to switch to green tea. If you do decide that a particular day warrants a good old fashioned cup of coffee just don’t slip back into old habits before you realize what’s going on. It only takes one week for the body to change it’s make up so that the caffeine inceptors are less receptive to the effects and tolerance starts all over again.
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By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a writer and blogger for Beyond.com. She researches and writes about job search tactics, training, and topics.
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