If your sixth sense is telling you there is something amiss while preparing for your interview, do a five point check to make sure your appeal to the senses is successful.
Sight – Are you pressed and dressed? Make sure your clothes are wrinkle, rip and stain free. For men double check for stubborn stubble, ladies look to make sure your make up matches. As wild as you may want to be in your personal style try to tone it down for a first impression on your interview. Fuchsia may be your signature color but if you arrive styled from head to toe in hot pink your potential employer will be reaching for the pepto.
Sound – While you’re still in the car make sure to clear yourself of bodily noises. Silence your phone or any other beeping electronics before heading into the waiting room. If you’re fighting a tickle in your throat bring a lozenge to keep your cough calm. Practice enunciation when you speak so you can clearly represent your ability to communicate.
Smell – Do a nose test. How’s your breath, your clothes, your pits? Grab a mint, skip the cigarette and use deodorant without going overboard on the aftershave. If you’re unsure whether you stink or not ask a close friend and don’t get offended if they answer honestly.
Taste – Your taste buds should be tingling with mouthwash. Brush your teeth immediately before leaving for your appointment and don’t forget to rinse. Brushing beats a mint because it removes gunk and plaque build up a mint won’t get. Mouthwash attacks the source of the bad breath instead of just covering it up.
Touch – If you have a tendency to be nervous and get sweaty clammy palms then the initial handshake can seem daunting. Keep a tissue in your hand to soak up extra moisture and slip it in your pocket before you’re asked to extend a greeting. If that won’t work don’t offend anyone by blatantly wiping your hand off before shaking yours. Practice subtle ways to dry your hands on your pants without calling attention. Try placing your hands on your thighs to stand up or pretending to brush the creases out of your clothes.
For more information on health careers, visit http://www.healthcarejobsite.com/
By Heather Fairchild - Heather is a writer and blogger for Beyond.com. She researches and writes about job search tactics, training, and topics.
hope this helps you. I had awful bad breath and tonsil stones. thank god my only friend told me to check Oraltech Labs advice as it got rid of her bad breath and her post nasal drip. I've been following Oraltech Labs advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well, so good luck. Jenny NY
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenny! That's great advice! Sometimes problems need more than masking, it's good to know Oraltech Labs has got an effective alternative to avoiding people.