I was shocked to read a blurb in my Woman’s World Magazine that indicated that 50% of all interviewees either answered a call or were texting during an interview!!! Even without considering professionalism, common courtesy would dictate that you would turn your cell phone off or even leave it in the car!
If there is a family emergency and you are expecting a phone call, tell the interviewer that right from the start. Put your cell phone in plain sight and put it on vibrate. Only answer the emergency call and totally ignore any other calls.
If there is a family emergency and you are expecting a phone call, tell the interviewer that right from the start. Put your cell phone in plain sight and put it on vibrate. Only answer the emergency call and totally ignore any other calls.
Can you imagine how distracting a ringing cell phone is for an interviewer? Can you imagine what they are thinking about you when the phone rings? I know I would be wondering what you were doing there if you were not interested enough in the job to turn your cell phone off! And texting while in an interview? I cannot even imagine someone doing that. If I were the hiring manager and someone was texting during an interview – or even had a cell phone in their hand – I would thank them kindly for coming in and would show them the door.
It always seems to be the silly things that get us on that all important interview. A ringing cell phone; not being prepared; not dressing properly (can you imagine wearing a business suit with flipflops?!!); not listening; being late; bad-mouthing a former employer – all common sense things that we continually mess up.
Common sense folks – common sense. Put yourself in the interviewers shoes and think about how you would feel if someone was sitting in front of you trying to text or answering their cell phone while you were trying to discuss their future! I bet you wouldn’t like to be treated with such disrespect!
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By: Nancy Anderson, Staff Writer
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