"There are some people who leave impressions not so lasting as the imprint of an oar upon the water." – Author Kate ChopinThank you for your time, and we’ll be in touch.
If every new beginning is some other beginning’s end, then every end is a new start all on its own. So, let’s start from the end.
A lot of lip service - in the job hunt, in dating, in sales, in life - is paid to first impressions. You know, they say you never get a second chance to make a first impression (or a second chance to fix your parachute). But often and nearly always overlooked is your last impression. A really good pie can be excellent at the first bite, but if that final taste is sour, that’s your lasting impression of the pie. Bet you’ll never order that pie again, and maybe not even patronize that restaurant again. Pie faux pas FTL.
BRB – going to get some pie.
Maybe it’s unfair. If you’re generally timid or shy, or even overbearing and gregarious, you’re at a disadvantage. If you’re not good at expressing yourself and making people like you, you can have the greatest résumé ever and still not get the job. Conversely, you can even not be the most qualified candidate and still collar that gig with your winning personality. If someone likes you, they’re going to have a better and possibly inflated idea of your ability to do the job (trust me on that last part). You’re going to be a part of their team, and how they think you’ll fit and how you’ll relate to your co-workers is an important and key element in your personal profile.
Poor first impressions can dig you a hole you can’t get out of, and the impressions you garner through the course of an interview can win you a job. But what about that last piece of the literal and proverbial pie? A sour last taste in your interviewer’s mouth can sink your chances. Any interview you have will almost without deviation end with the following: "So, that’s all I’ve got, do you have any questions for me?"
- Why is this position open?
- How can someone improve on what the last person did?
- Who is your biggest competitor and what do they do right and wrong?
- What will the new person need to accomplish in the first 90 days?
- Why did you, Mr. or Mrs. Interviewer, come to this company?
- How would you describe your management style and interaction with your staff?
- What are the work environment and corporate culture like?
- Can you describe a typical day in this position?
- What have been the department's successes in the last couple of years?
- What’s the makeup of the team as far as experience?
- What are your major projects for the coming year?
- When top performers leave the company why do they leave and where do they usually go?
- If hired, where do you see me in the company in the next five years?
- Do you have any concerns about me fulfilling the responsibilities of this position?
- Is there anything that I need to clear up in order to be the top candidate?
Because your latest impression is your last impression, and your last impression is your latest impression. That’s why I leave you with this:

Michael Hochman
LaidOffLife@yahoo.com ◙ Laid-Off Life on Twitter ◙ Laid-Off Life on Facebook

"Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called everybody, and they meet at the bar." - Drew Carey
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