”Life is the sum of all your choices.” – Albert CamusAs I’ve mentioned before, I entered the Laid-Off Life because the company for which I was working was sold to a larger out-of-state competitor and more-or-less closed down. The office location was shuttered, but a couple people continued working transition out of a Michael Scott Paper Company-sized temporary location. A few people were to work ‘until further notice’ from home for the new big, bad owners. And a few were offered positions in Florida at the Buy-More home office.
Including me.
So I turned it down.
Besides what MegaLoMart was offering (or not offering) me to move to the land of oranges, I had plenty of things keeping me here in the Illadelph: family, friends, my girlfriend, the Phillies, Jim’s Steaks. It was an easy and a hard decision at the same time.
While I grew up here in The City That Loves You Back, it’s not like moving away for a job was foreign to me. I stayed in New York after college for work. I moved to Kansas for a promotion. I moved to Chicago for a short-term position of all things. In fact, I was away from Broad & Market from the time I started college until New Years 2006. But this time was different. Between what was keeping me here and what was keeping me from going there (not even including oppressive heat, BP-sponsored oil-infused hurricanes, and pest-control issues), staying where I’d just started to lay roots again was the right choice at the time.
That was nearly a year ago.
Back then, I had no idea what was ahead. I never would have guessed I would be still looking for work 11 months hence. I had no idea I’d be killing myself juggling four freelance gigs. I had no idea I would be burdened with health insurance struggles (no COBRA) and unemployment compensation worries. I had no idea I’d be having so much quality time with the cat. Not moving to ‘The Big Guava’ (yes, that’s really the nickname of the city in Florida) became a bigger life-decision the farther removed from that decision I got.
But sometimes desperate times call for desperate relocation. People are looking nearly anywhere for a job, and taking it because they have to. People are moving to new cities without even having a new job yet because they heard the hiring rate for their particular field is better there. Considering moving to Canada to find a job? They don’t want you. It’s harder than ever to get a green card there because new laws are restricting foreign hiring over les habitants canuck. So, if you’re at the point in your job hunt when you feel that trying your luck in a different region of this great land, do so carefully, with great forethought, and with a lot of research. PhillyJobs.com’s parent company, Beyond.com, has great resources for jobs in forty different cities, from Atlanta to West Palm Beach (a job by the beach doesn’t sound so bad right now).
So, did I make the right decision turning down the Florida job? At the time, I’d only been back home in Philly for 3½ years, and I was just starting to grow roots again. Would it have been nice to have a job 11 months ago instead of sitting here writing for you about not having a job? Maybe, with different circumstances (but you woulda missed me). Would I have been happier if I had taken the job? Doubtful. Did I make the right decision?
Michael Hochman
LaidOffLife@yahoo.com ◙ Laid-Off Life on Twitter ◙ Laid-Off Life on Facebook

"Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called everybody, and they meet at the bar." - Drew Carey
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