Now, you are sitting in front of the interviewer. What are you thinking about? Are you

Listening skills are vital in any part of business but especially now during this all important interview! Not just listening skills but active listening skills. Being able to take what the interviewer said and paraphrase it in your own words. Opening your mind and really and truly listening instead of looking around the room or thinking about what you are going to do after the interview and so on. Active listening is a skill, not a given. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you are having a great interview if you are not actively listening because that interviewer can tell. Your body language – as in how your body is positioned will tell the whole story. Are you sitting back thinking – wow this is easy or are you sitting forward really listening and really taking in the questions and the conversation? Are you answering the questions with sentences or are you just saying yes or no.
Active listening is truly the key in any interview. Practice it at home. Practice it with friends, family and neighbors by rephrasing their comments back to them. If they look at you funny you can explain that you are learning how to be an active listener. Learning this skill can make the difference between a “thank you for coming” dismissal at the end of the interview or a “I would like to set up a second interview with you” appraisal. Which response would you like to have?
By: Nancy Anderson, Staff Writer
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