Stroke is a debilitating disease that affects one person every 45 seconds. It's a major cause of serious, long-term disability and a leading cause of death in the U.S.
Alternative medicines are often used in conjunction with traditional medicine to help stroke victims improve their quality of life.
Among the many alternative treatments is Jin Shin, which is based on the ancient art of bringing body, mind and spirit into unison. Through gentle, non-invasive touch methods, the body's energy systems are brought into balance. Hand placement techniques apply slight touch pressure to 52 energy centers or “Safety Energy Locks” (26 on each side of the body) to restore harmony to body, mind and spirit. Specific acupressure points and areas of the body, are held and pressed to channel the healing energy and balance the underlying causes of physical and emotional disharmonies.
Research has shown that when Jin Shin is combined with conventional medical treatment, it may help reduce pain, nausea and vomiting after surgery, and improve recovery from certain cardiac procedures.
A pilot study revealed that Jin Shin treatments could improve motor function after patients suffered a stroke. In the study, seven post-stroke individuals who suffered from chronic mobility problems for at least 19 months were randomly assigned to receive eight weeks of Jin Shin treatments. After their treatments, the participants were able to significantly increase their levels of physical activity.
During a typical one-hour Jin Shin treatment, patients remain fully clothed on a cushioned treatment table. The patient's pulse is taken at the beginning of the treatment to reveal any blocked energy pathways. Using the finger tips, the practitioner lightly contacts various body points in specific combinations for several minutes until they feel a pulsation.
Results are not always immediate. Several sessions may be necessary for some chronic conditions. That said, patients usually feel better after just one or two sessions.
Note: Jin Shin is not a substitute for medical care and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult a medical doctor before undergoing any Jin Shin treatments.
For an added perspective, check out this video:
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Alex A. Kecskes has written hundreds of published articles on health/fitness, "green" issues, TV/film entertainment, restaurant reviews and many other topics. As a former Andy/Belding/One Show ad agency copywriter, he also writes web content, ads, brochures, sales letters, mailers and scripts for national B2B and B2C clients.
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