The list is out again touting the top 100 companies in Philadelphia. Interested in finding out which companies made the list? I know I was so I took a look. It was very interesting to see that there were only twelve (12) companies who maintained a positive total return percentag
e for the year. However, that was just for the year. A better indication of a company’s standings is to look at their five year return.

Companies base most of their business decisions on a five- year plan – not on what has happened over the past twelve months. Although that is important, companies know that the market and economic situation is going to affect them and they do not usually react negatively to a slight downturn. So with that in mind, let’s look at the top five companies showing very positive returns over the past five years.
The one who tops the list is Nutrisystem, Inc. Although they only ranked 30 for the year, they are showing 659.7% over five years. Following that is K-Tron International, Inc who ranked 67 for the year but had a whopping 308.5% return over five years. Next is ViroPharma, Inc ranking a low of 72 for the year but 242.5 over five years. The fourth one is Healthcare Services Group who actually ranked number 5 for the year and has maintained 204.1% over five years. The fifth one is Crown Holdings, Inc who ranked 28 for the year but maintained 159.3% over five years.
Therefore, if you are a job seeker and doing research on companies take a look at the whole picture not just a snapshot from today. Look for a company who is performing well over the long-haul. Those are the companies you want to investigate. Those are the companies you want to send your resume to. Bear in mind that not all of the positive long-term performing companies will be hiring but it is certainly worth your time to check them out.
By: Nancy Anderson, Staff Writer
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