With so many people looking for a job—any job—I wondered if somehow the unemployed population has lost faith altogether. Boomers who feel they are too old or out of step, college grads caught between too much education and little work experience, and industrial or construction workers caught in the collapse of their main source of jobs. What happened to aiming for the stars, going for the gold, reaching for the brass ring?
Those phrases are a bit trite, but if you look at job postings, like those on phillyjobs.com, you’ll find there are all types of jobs listed. People who are already employed leave jobs for various reasons, creating opportunities for others. Companies create a number of new jobs each month. Some of these jobs come with a six-figure salary.
An article in the May, 2011 issue of Forbes Magazine, “The Best and Worst Paying Sales Jobs,” listed Securities, Commodities and Financial Services Agent as the highest paying sales job, at about $100k per year. I have to confess I’d never heard of that position, but I wondered if there were any jobs in that field in Philadelphia. If you’re going to reach for a star, why not target one in your geographic region of the solar system?
I found a list of financial jobs in Philadelphia, and one job, Audit Manager of Financial Services, paid a whopping $100k to $150k a year! This is not an entry-level job, but worth a look if you are a CPA, familiar with public accounting and external audit procedures, and have knowledge of a whole bunch of acronyms—GAAP, FASB, IFRS, ERP and SAP. If you are one of the many highly educated, experienced and credentialed job seekers with a sales and financial background, why not spruce up your résumé and throw your hat in the ring. My favorite quote is, “They can only say no.” You haven’t lost anything by trying, and you may be pleasantly surprised when you get a call because something on your résumé stood out.
It doesn’t cost any more to apply for a $100k per year job than it does for one paying $30k per year. It’s even easier online. The problem is we tend to lower the expectation bar the longer we’re out of work. If your goal is to someday qualify for a job at that level, researching job openings for qualifications can help get you on track:
1. If you’re out of a job and never got around to taking the CPA exam, you can use the time to study and sit for the exam.
2. If you’re already working and keep getting passed over for promotion, watch for opportunities to gain experience in those areas required for that next level position. The job description will give you specific things to look for.
3. Leverage your current job to gain the knowledge and experience you need for your next job. Take advantage of tuition reimbursement, or use your vacation leave to attend some classes or seminars on subjects or technology needed for the next level.
4. Attend a conference in your field, attend educational sessions and network with as many people as possible. Introduce yourself to the conference speakers and ask for their views on the future of the profession and industry.
You can settle for a job below your current salary and experience level or you can fill in the gaps, raise the bar and keep competing. You just might win the prize.
What strategies are you using to get to the next level? Share your tips in the Comments section below.
Mary Nestor-Harper, SPHR, is a consultant, blogger, motivational speaker and freelance writer for phillyjobs.com. Based in Savannah, GA, her work has appeared in Training magazine, Training & Development magazine, Supervision, BiS Magazine and The Savannah Morning News. When she’s not writing, she enjoys singing with the Savannah Philharmonic Chorus and helping clients reinvent their careers for today’s job market. You can read more of her blogs at phillyjobs.com and view additional job postings on Beyond.com.
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