Well, the elections are over now and, depending upon your view, you are either very happy or very sad! However, if you are one of the millions still unemployed, you have to be terrified!
Now that the votes have been counted, the Republicans have the majority in the House. What does this mean? Well, the Republican’s platform on this particular election was that their goal was to cut the national budget deficit. They have already rejected several attempts at extending unemployment benefits past the 99 weeks that were already approved. For most of the unemployed, benefits will run out at the end of November!
Wow – that’s still almost a month away you are thinking. Why should we worry about it now? Well, actually, Congress does not return to the business at hand until November 15th. Then, of course, 10 days later (8 working days), we have the Thanksgiving holiday. When they return on the 29th that only gives them an additional two days to pass an extension for unemployment benefits. Only ten working days to resolve an issue that took them 51 days to resolve back in May. If an extension is not passed, millions of Americans could stop receiving support as early as 4 December.
Lloyd Cope of Gather.com asked the following questions: “Did the American electorate overwhelmingly vote against their own self interests in last week’s election?” “Would denying further unemployment benefits to millions of American increase the poverty rate in the US?” Both good questions!!!
As the newly elected officials wrap things up in their current positions and get ready to start their new positions, do you think that they are thinking about your dilemma? Not likely! But you can change that. You can make sure that the ONLY thing they are thinking about is extending your benefits. What can you do? Call your representative. Write to them. Email them. Contact them through social networks. Whatever it takes to get their attention and bring your situation right to the forefront.
There’s not much time so action is required TODAY if you hope to continue receiving your unemployment benefits! Although our President is doing everything he can to try to push through an extension for you, he can’t do it alone! It doesn’t matter what your political affiliations are. What matters is that we are all in this together! President Obama needs you to take action today to protect your interests tomorrow!!!!
Are you in danger of losing your benefits? Let me know in the comments section!
By: Nancy Anderson, Staff Writer
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