Monday, March 28, 2011

7 Ways To Get Rid Of Clutter and Get Organized

Spring is in the air, and as the weather starts to warm up, it's time to start thinking about getting rid of clutter and getting organized.

Spring is the time for renewal and new beginnings. As soon as the weather starts to warm up, I start thinking about getting organized and getting rid of the clutter I have accumulated over the winter. Spring cleaning is a tradition of mine, and it is a great way to get a fresh outlook on your life and your space.

Even though this isn't really a blog about finding a job, when you feel stuck in a rut and want to change your perspective or just want to jump start your motivation, getting rid of the clutter can help. Here are 7 tips to banish clutter and get organized:

  1. Start at the source – If you are always buying new things for your house that you aren't sure you need, stop it. If your family members or neighbors are always bringing you bags of stuff, ask them to stop. Everytime you bring something into your home, be sure that you have a use for it. Anything else, is just more stuff to clean.

  2. Break it down into small jobs – When it comes to large projects, it's easy to become overwhelmed. If you have this problem, break it down into smaller jobs and just focus on one job at a time.

  3. Free can be expensive – If your family and friends are always giving you hand me downs and you can't turn down free stuff, you might want to consider the high cost of free. If you aren't going to use it, if you don't love it and it is just going to take up space, don't take it just because it's free.

  4. Organize your office – Consider changing some of your accounts to paperless billing, that way you won't have to deal with piles of mail. You can also scan your important papers and file them away on an external hard drive or other storage device.

  5. Clean out the small spaces – If you're like me, you probably have the most clutter in those small spaces like under the sink, the medicine cabinet and the extra drawers in the kitchen. Once you get started, you'll be surprised at how much space you were using to store things that really needed to be thrown away.

  6. Don't fight your bad habits – If everyone in your house likes to throw their coats all over the place, get a coat tree. If you always throw your mail on the table when you get in the door, put a small bin for mail on the table. If you look for ways to stay organized in spite of your bad habits, you'll have a greater success rate than if you tried to change your habits.

  7. Don't beat yourself up – Remember that spring cleaning and getting rid of clutter are meant to make your daily life easier and more organized, not to give you another thing to beat yourself up over. Take it in small steps and keep working a little at a time and don't take the clutter personally.

What are your best clutter fighting tips? I would love to hear your ideas in the comments.

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By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for PhillyJobsBlog, along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.

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