Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Should you move to find a job?

Are you one of the many job seekers who have been looking and looking for a job in your area but just not finding anything? Is your unemployment about to run out? Are you living in a high cost area and unable to make ends meet?

If you answered yes to those questions you might be a good candidate to consider moving for a good or even better job. However, before you start packing, do your research.

• What is the job situation in the area you are considering? Is it a lot better or just a little bit better? If only a little better, then it’s probably not worth the move.
• What about your family? Do they maybe help out with childcare? Have they been assisting you financially? How will it affect your relationship if you move away? Have you considered the possible extra cost for childcare? Does your spouse agree with the move?
• What about your housing arrangements? Would you have to sell your home? What does the real estate market look like? Are homes selling or sitting? In most areas it’s a buyer’s market, not a seller’s. Are you renting and have a lease? Would you have to pay a penalty to get out of the lease?
• What will it cost you to actually move including packing materials, boxes, renting a truck or hiring a company to move your items?
• What about climate issues? Are you moving to an area that might cause health issues for you or a member of your family? If you plan to move from the north to the south, are you and your family prepared for humidity and less than four seasons? If you are moving from the south to the north, are you prepared for bitter cold and snow and all four seasons? What about altitude changes. This may sound silly but it can truly make a difference to be happy with your new location or being totally miserable.
• What about cultural differences between your current location and the new one? If you love going to the theater and multi-cultural events, will you be happy where the most important event of the year is the County Fair?
• What about transportation issues? Are you moving from a total public transportation environment to one where you cannot survive without a car? An automobile would be yet another expense.
• What about politics? Are they important to you? If you are a republican, are you willing to move to a predominately democratic state?
• What about sporting events? Are you a big fan of a local team? Will you be able to handle not watching all of their games? Be willing to root for the enemy of the local sport’s team.
• Do a cost of living comparison between your current location and the new location. Can you really afford the move?

So make sure you do your research and consider all of the questions above. These are only a few questions to ponder. In addition, never believe that if you move, the job will come. That’s like the old saying build it and they will come and that only happens in the movies. Find a job before you move even if it is only a temporary gig. Also, consider what you type of job you might be willing to take. Are you willing to take ANY position just to change your location? What are your career objectives? Will you be able to meet them or are your trading one bad place for another?

Only you can answer these questions but consider them thoroughly before making your first move.

By Nancy Anderson

Nancy Anderson, SEO Analyst for the Traffic Department at Nancy has been working with Beyond since 2002. Prior to Beyond, Nancy worked as a business systems analyst at HNC Software, Inc and completed a twenty year career in the US Navy – retiring as a Chief Petty Officer. She enjoys spending time with her beautiful daughter and three incredible granddaughters.

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