Make your own opportunities.
A good friend of mine was laid off in the early part of the year from his job as a contracted government systems administrator. He had seen it coming and made a decision not to actively look for a new job right away. Because he had the benefit of being prepared, he decided to use the time to work on making a career change by going back to school.
After a month or so, he called up some of his previous co-workers, just to keep in touch. Before the day was over, he was told about a new job opening at the same place he had previously worked. The job was basically doing the same thing as he had been, but the pay was considerably higher. He sent in his resume and was quickly hired. After all, he had several employees who recommended him and he had been good at his job.
Still, seeing how quickly he found a new job, many people say that he just got lucky. Indeed, he did. However, it isn't just luck. Creating your own opportunities requires skill and an attitude of success.
If you want to create your own luck, here are 5 ways to do it:
Pay attention to everything - Be curious and ask questions. Get to know the people around you and watch how things unfold. Look for things that you can do better, things that can make work easier for everyone. Be the person who knows what's going on, both in your office and in your industry. This will make you an integral part of a team and your previous co-workers will be quick to think of you when new opportunities arise.
Care about what you do - You have to think that your work is very important. If you don't value what you do, how will anyone else? When you care about what you do, it will show in your work performance. The more important you think your work is, the more others will value it. As it goes, they will be more likely to look for other ways to use your talents.
Be aware of your image - Everything you do is important. People will gather information about you by the way you carry yourself. Be mindful of your actions and make sure that you are projecting the image you want. When others view you as a competent professional, they will think more highly of you and want you on their team.
Look for opportunities - There are always opportunities, the key is to be able to see them. Treat everyone you meet as a potential networking contact. Sometimes the best breaks come in unexpected places. Look for them.
Be willing to take a chance - If you are offered a new opportunity, take it. It might not be exactly what you were looking for but it might be a chance to grow an important skill set. Of course that doesn't mean that you should take jobs that aren't right for you, but don't be afraid to open the door when opportunity knocks.
What most of us call luck is actually being aware of what's going on and not being afraid to seize the day. Take a look at how you approach your job search and make your own luck.
What do you think of this list? Do you think it's all luck? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
By Melissa Kennedy- Melissa is a 9 year blog veteran and a freelance writer for HealthcareJobsiteBlog and Along with helping others find the job of their dreams, she enjoys computer geekery, raising a teenager, supporting her local library, writing about herself in the third person and working on her next novel.